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Late Fall Hiking in Washington: November and December Adventures

  • 2 min read

Late fall in Washington brings a unique charm to the outdoors. With the right preparation and knowledge, hiking in November and December can be a rewarding experience. In this article, we'll share tips for exploring Washington's trails during the late fall months.

1. Embrace the Changing Scenery

As autumn transitions into winter, the landscape undergoes a remarkable transformation. Hiking in November and December allows you to witness the vibrant fall foliage giving way to the first snowfalls. Embrace the beauty of this seasonal shift.

2. Check the Weather

Late fall weather in Washington can be unpredictable. Before hitting the trail, check the weather forecast for your chosen hiking destination. Be prepared for potential rain, snow, and cooler temperatures, and dress in layers to stay warm.

3. Choose Lower Elevation Trails

In November and December, higher elevation trails are more likely to be snow-covered and challenging to access. Opt for lower elevation trails or those on the west side of the state for a better chance of snow-free hiking.

4. Shorter Daylight Hours

Keep in mind that daylight hours are shorter in late fall. Plan your hikes accordingly, starting early in the day to make the most of the available light. Carry a headlamp in case your hike extends into the late afternoon.

5. Be Cautious on Snowy Trails

If you venture onto snow-covered trails, be cautious. Carry microspikes or crampons for added traction, and consider trekking poles to maintain balance on slippery terrain. Stay alert and avoid snow-covered areas with avalanche risk.

6. Check Trail Conditions

Late fall hiking means fewer fellow hikers, and some trails may be less maintained. Before you head out, check trail conditions and recent trip reports to ensure your chosen trail is accessible and safe.

7. Wildlife Encounters

Late fall can offer unique wildlife encounters, as some animals are more active during this period. Keep an eye out for signs of wildlife and maintain a respectful distance.

8. Enjoy a Warm Beverage

There's nothing quite like sipping a hot drink on a crisp late fall hike. Bring a thermos of tea, coffee, or hot cocoa to enjoy during your break, adding an extra layer of comfort to your hiking adventure.

In Summary:

Late fall hiking in Washington offers a distinct and beautiful outdoor experience. By staying informed about trail conditions, dressing appropriately, and embracing the changing scenery, you can make the most of your late fall hikes and enjoy the unique charm of the Evergreen State.


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